Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where's the silver lining?

Ok, so I've discovered the best way to get ideal restriction - lose your job! Tongue in cheek I know, but unfortunately a reality. I got told on Tuesday that I am 'no longer required' and to be honest, it was a massive shock. When I'm not trying to get off the ground, I work in IT as a contractor. I've been doing it for quite some time and you'd think I'd be used to the uncertainty of it, but I've never had a contract end early and I've never been completely blind sided like this, especially when they just renewed my contract until February next year. The 'good news' is that they've given me 3 weeks notice, when they actually only have to give me 24 hours notice so it gives me some time to find something else and still have some money coming in. Normally I wouldn't be too concerned, but I just brought another house and it settles in 4 weeks so financially I'm under a fair bit of pressure and I can't afford not to have an income. It's just me unfortunately and I have no one to back me up, if I don't work, I don't get paid. Normally I have money in the bank for times like this, but because I just brought the house, not so much money left in the bank!

So due to all this stress, my band is VERY TIGHT!! I've barely eaten for the last 3 days, I'm even having trouble with water, I feel sick all the time and I can't sleep. Great for the weight loss, not so good for everything else! I do have Plan A, B, C and all the way to Z so that is something. I'm waiting to see what 'the reason' is that this has happened, as everyone is telling me there is one and I'm sure it will become evident soon enough. I already have a few irons in the fire for a new contract so I'm hoping that this GFC (global financial crisis) I've been hearing SO much about, but have been completely untouched by so far is a bit of a myth!

I know I'll be ok, I have to be, there are no other options…

12 month 'Optifastiversary' is fast approaching next week (03/10), will talk more of that next time….


  1. Jen- I'm so sorry to hear the bad news, but I am a firm believer that when one door closes 2 more open up so hang in there will get better.

  2. I am very sorry to hear that you have lost your job... crossing my fingers for you that you will find another one quickly. Best of luck!

  3. Thanks for your support Girls! I'm sure it will be ok, it has to be!!
